Category: Uncategorized
This day
I knew this day was coming but didn’t expect it now. PSA has gone up slightly but enough to make the doctor think it’s time for radiation therapy. Grrrrr! I’m tired of this cancer shit! Trying to stay calm and let go, let God.
I was diagnosed with an incurable form of leukemia in 2004. I was introduced at that time to Dr Beckworth who has been my doctor since. He treated me with chemo twice and placed me on a new drug 2 years ago that has worked extremely well. Needless to say we have come to know each other well. Yesterday I got a letter saying he is retiring. I am very upset about this. I don’t want a different doctor!
I saw Beckworth today and he is excited about the next stage in his life. After 45 years it will be a big change for him and I wish him well.
When I travel, I don’t expect to be entertained by my hosts. Just being there is the entertainment plus I can entertain myself. Even if all I do is read, experiencing the ambiance is a great reward.
Waiting, waiting
Waiting is what I do. Nothing else. Waiting to do something, anything other than waiting. If I could do anything I’d like, I’d travel. So many places, so little time. As it is, I have nothing to do and all day to do it.
Yesterday was the first snow of the year; about an inch.