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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    NIDER, Daughter (I993)
    2  HONKOMP, Maria Catharina (I2700)
    3 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. REEDSTROM, Anthony Jon (I2904)
    4 Also highway department CLOOS, Allen Franklin (I299)
    5 Also OENBRING ORDING, Anna Margaretha (I2539)
    6 An aunt lived with them there. She became ill and went to the hospital where she died. When they went to the hospital to claim the body they were told no one by that name existed. By 1867, they were living in the New Prague area and Lanesburg and Lexington Townships where Martin was a carpenter. By 1880, the Skobliks were living near Bechyn, MN. The farm they purchased near LeCenter, Jan 31, 1874, had been mortgaged for $600 (he only paid $450 for it) on Oct 20, 1876. The guess is he built a new house. He lost the farm to foreclosure Aug 21, 1880. Martin helped build St. Mary's Catholic Church in Bechyn in about 1882. All the Skobliks except Francis Martin were married in this church.It was replaced about 1913-14. It was moved and rebuilt into a dance hall and warehouse. Martin personally paid the passage for several people from Bohemia to this country. There were 112 wagons and carriages in his funeral train. The first one was at the church before the last one left his farm. A man's prestige was measured by the number of vehicles in his funearal train. This was very big for a funeral. A brother of Matthias and Martin reportedly went to Italy and settled later in Pennsylvania. The family has never had contact with this brother. The Pennsylvania Scoblick family is no relation. They were originally Scopelletti but changed the name in America. (Per letters by JLS to John Scoblick and Joanne Cloos' research) SKOBLIK, Martin (I3)
    7 Another Franz Heinrich Kramer (b. 1822) son of the heuerman Arnd Henrich Kramer from the farm of Bosche in Lehmden and his wife, Maria Agnes Su'dbeck also left on 3/16/1859 to settle in Gross-Rippin in the same general area. His brother, Johan Clemens and sister, Maria Catharina followed shortly thereafter. Although some left, Kramers still live in Steinfeld today. KRAMER (I381)
    8 Arrived in the US in 1847 with wife and several of their children. HALTY, Martin (I552)
    9 Arrived in the US May 21, 1867 with sister, Gertrude and an unknown brother who is believed to have settled in the Chicago, IL area. Joseph was a shop clerk before he got his first farm. He was later in charge of road maintenance in the Center Township area and all his sons helped. Joseph owned two farms in his lifetime. In the early 1900's he moved to a house in Farley. His daughter Edith, built a house next door. KELLER, Joseph (I480)
    10 Bechyn and Redwood Falls SCHWEINFURTER, Vance James (I274)
    11 Birthdate, place, and birth are from Robert Blakely who got the infoo from Nigel Blackler. It is unconfirmed and speculative. BLAKELY, John Blackler (I341)
    12 Born out of wedlock. Father unknown SKOBLIK, Marie (I3354)
    13 Born premature KAMIN, Timothy Patrick (I3273)
    14 Brother of Dorothy who married Donald Kubesh. ULRICKSON, Mel (I1102)
    15 Came to America in 1853 with his uncle, Anton Kramer. KRAMER, Johann Henrich (I96)
    16 Came to America in 1853. KRAMER, Anton (I152)
    17 Came to America in 1857 with his wife and her two brothers, Franz Henrich and Carl. The trip took 11 weeks because of adverse weather. Both crew and passengers were put on bread and water rations as a result. BECKMANN, Gerd Henrich (I424)
    18 Came to America in 1858 with his wife, five sons and three daughters. From Dubuque, they walked to New Vienna and soon after settled on a farm northeast of Deyersville where they lived until they died. KRAMER, Herman Henrich (I92)
    19 Came to America with his sister, Agnes and her husband, Gerhard Beckmann, and his brother, Franz. He was married the same day as his sister and Frank Klostermann and Frank Osterhaus and Elizabeth Klaus. They celebrated their Silver Anniversary together on Charles' farm and were stranded there for two days by a snowstorm. They also celebrated their Golden Annniversary together. Married names for 2 daughters are given in the Dyersville Book: Mrs. J.J. O'Brien and Mrs. Al Friedman. Don't know which is which. KRAMER, Carl (I94)
    20 Came to America with his sister, Agnes, and her husband Gerhard Beckmann about 1857. After marrying Mary Ellen, they settled on a farm five miles east of Dyersville neighboring the Carl Kramer homestead. In 1905, they retired to a residence in South Dyersville. Frank was the organizer and first secretary of the Hickory Valley Creamery. KRAMER, Franz Henrich (I98)
    21 Changed the spelling of Skoblik to Scoblic and talked his brother Joseph into doing likewise. The only Skoblik not married at St Mary's. SKOBLIK, Francis Martin (I37)
    22 Check to see if this is the same Herman as one recorded as son of Johan and Anna Overwater born 10 Apr 1754. OLBERDING, Herman Henrich (I1751)
    23 Clem was part owner and operator of a general store and harness shop known as Rohenkohl and Kramer. In 1879 he took up farming two miles east of Dyersville His first wife died in 1890 and he later married Elizabeth Reitz. He spent his last years on a farm near Lexington, Oklahoma. He died enroute to the funeral of his brother Frank. Unidentified, he was buried in Kansas City, Missouri. A week later, his family hearing he had not arrived in Dyersville traced him to KC. They had him exhumed and reburied in Lexington. KRAMER, Clemens (I95)
    24 Date from headstone Bechyn Czech Pioneer Cemetery, Bechyn, MN. MAZNA, Eva (I8)
    25 Democratic Governor of South Dakota from McCook County. KNEIP, Richard Frank (I3041)
    26 Destruction caused by the Swedish-Netherlands troops during the 30 years war, 1618-1648 resulted in few people left in the area. By 1665 there were 12 families again rebuilding and working on their farms. By 1699 we find a few more along with the farms BOSCHE-OSTERHUS (Ho'vel) and GROSS OSTERHUS. The population was back up to 210 souls. One can imagine how 200+ people lived on a handful of farms. Every available space was occupied. The farm, ROENBECK, supposedly had 60-70 living there. Eventually little heuerhauses were built for some of the more permanent residents who worked the land for the owners. They subsidized their income by digging peat, making wooden shoes, and spending the haymaking season in Holland. On top of that was knitting and weaving to make clothes for the family and hopefully to sell to others. KRAMER (I381)
    27 Died at 1102 Kedzie Avenue, Chicago. SKOBLIK, Mary (I5)
    28 Died at the age of three SKOBLIK, Dorothy (I3231)
    29 Died in infancy KLOSTERMANN, Anton (I468)
    30 Died in infancy KLOSTERMANN, Gerhard (I3012)
    31 Died in infancy KLOSTERMANN, Bernard (I3013)
    32 Died of cancer SCOBLIC, Agatha May (I56)
    33 Died of stroke/diabetes SCOBLIC, Elizabeth Ann (I55)
    34 Died of Tuberculosis SCOBLIC, John Martin (I54)
    35 Donahue comes from O'Donoghue which in turn comes from the O Donnchadha septs. One O Donnchada sept (Irish clan or tribe ruled by a patriarch) was located in south County Kilkenny, another in County Galloway and another in County Cavan and another, the best known, in West Cork whence they migrated to County Kerry forming two branches, one with its stronghold at Ross Castle on Lough Leine near Killarney, and the other with its sept centre in the eastern part of the DONAHUE, Ellen (I1320)
    36 Emmet and Winnie had no children. KELLER, Emmet Michael (I694)
    37 Entered the Convent in Atchison, KS Jan 15, 1929 as Sister Annella, OSB. OLBERDING, Veronica Mary (I2106)
    38 Even the major farmers needed to do other things beside farming. Gross Osterhus had a brick making factory by 1841. By 1854, he produced all the brick and roof tile for the church being built in Steinfeld. In 1879 the guesthouse and foodmarket of Osterhus-Bering was founded. KRAMER (I381)
    39 Farmed at Petersburg for 45 years and then in 1918 moved to Remsen where he later died. KLOSTERMANN, Frank J. (I426)
    40 First name from a letter to me from Richard Trochlil, 1/29/96. SKOBLIK, Elizabeth (I332)
    41 Fought in the Revolutionary War. Filed for pension, S42434, on 28 Apr 1818 at 73, Onandaga County, NY. Enlisted at Salisbury, CT. 1820 Was living with Moses and Roswell in Pompey, NY.

    Served from 1 Jan 1777 to 1 Jan 1780 in the regimant of Col. Seth Warner and Jerimiah Borroughs as one of the "Green Mountain Boys" (info from Jerry Carne email, 10 Jan 1998.) 
    SUTTON, Benjamin Sr. (I2612)
    42 Frank came to the U.S. possibly with the assistance of Martin SKOBLIK. He work ed and then paid his brother and sister's way. NIDER, Frank M (I885)
    43 From Robert Blakely. Not verified and speculative RIDER, Grace (I3301)
    44 Had a double wedding with her sister Anna at St. Mary's. SKOBLIK, Antoinette (I31)
    45 Had no children. KUBESH, Edward (I1058)
    46 Had no children. KUBESH, Charles (I1061)
    47 Had no children. KUBESH, Martha (I1098)
    48 He left Bohemia because he wasn't the oldest and so would not inherit anything. Came to America in 1862 with Eva, Catherine and Francis. A brother Matthias also came at the same time. Martin settled first in Chicago where Catherine and Francis died of smallpox. They moved to the Twin Cities area be tween 1863-1865. SKOBLIK, Martin (I3)
    49 He was cutting sugar maple trees in LeCenter, MN area when one fell against another. In trying to free it, it fell and killed him. His estate was probated July 24, 1884. Matthias enlisted for one year in Co I, 9th Regiment, Illinois Cavalry on Oct 1, 1864 in Chicago. The enlisting officer was Capt. Wm. James. Matthias was described as having blue eyes, dark hair, and dark complexion and stood 5 feet 4 1/2 inches high. He served in Springfield, Il, 2d Squadron in SKOBLIK, Matthias (I4)
    50 Heart Hospital, Sacred Heart School and Link Auditorium, Trinity Lutheran, Yankton City Hall, the Scoblic Stationers building, the Scoblic residence at 407 Green St and the catholic church in Pierre, some of the original buildings at Marty Mission and the Stephen Indian School. KELLER, John Edward (I66)

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